Finding Time For The Almighty

As you may have noticed, the background and the header to this blog are entirely different. If you, the reader, are a woman, you might pick up on the fact the colors clash. Actually, the point of this contrast in images will be seen at the end of this post. You may recognize the background photo as that of the greatest city ever – Denver, Colorado. When I saw this image, I thought of a busy lifestyle, one that is constantly going and never stopping. In contrast, the header picture is of a peaceful country road. This expresses a calm and quiet lifestyle.
Life in 21st century America is anything but dull. With activities such as work, school, sports, shopping, and running errands, finding time for God and His Word is a true challenge. We Americans are programmed to get everything done, and to get it done fast. Sometimes it feels as if we are merely waving at life as it zooms by. So what do we do with a Scripture like Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God”? I, along with so many others, seem to pay no attention to this verse. Sadly, there have been times when my life goes by so fast and I am so engaged in something that I forget to pray to the Father for a whole day. What is worse is that I remember as my head is on the pillow and as my eyes are closing. At that point, I might say a quick prayer thanking God for the day, and asking for His help in the day to come. That is pathetic. I’m am not being still and knowing that He is God.
Effort must be put into being still. Amazingly, more effort goes into being still than it does doing everything else all day. How does one accomplish being still, then? One can only be still if he understands that it takes sacrifice. Sacrificing your time is probably the biggest sacrifice you will have to make. Tomorrow is Saturday. For myself and many others, this is a day to sleep in. I will not ask you to get up at 7 a.m. and start your day, but I am asking you to make prayer the first action of your day. Get on your knees and pray to God for fifteen minutes or so. Then, sometime in the middle of the day, stop what you are doing (watching TV, cleaning, reading) and give God another ten or fifteen minutes. As the last assignment for your Saturday, I ask for you to get on your knees one last time and pray to God again for (you guessed it) ten to fifteen minutes. Your day will be a brighter and more enjoyable day, I promise you. If you can do it, try to make it a daily habit.  If you couldn’t get it done, you can try again on Sunday. Gradually start making time for God each and every day, and your life will change.
I began this post talking about the pictures on my home page. The background is of Denver, the busy city. I chose to make the header a peaceful country road because I wanted to convey the idea of putting God’s time before the rest of your busy life. When you read the gospels, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ always made time for prayer and for slowing life down. Let us follow the example of our Lord by being still and knowing He is God.

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